Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Dr Phillip Mayhead

Consultant Gastroenterologist

General Medical Council Number: 4428895

I have been a Consultant Gastroenterologist for 10 years. I have experience in advanced endoscopy and have been the sole provider of bowel cancer screening for three years for the Hastings and Eastbourne area. My audit figures always surpass the national average for performance.

I undertake the following procedures: Causule Endoscopy, Breath testing for sugar intolerance’s, Diagnostic Upper GI Endoscopy, Sigmoidscopy and Colonscopy, ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography, Therapeutic endoscopy, oesophageal, Pyloricpyloric, duodenal and colonic stenting and Endoscopic mucosal resection of large and complex polyps.

I have undertaken approximately 7,000 colonoscopies, 10,000 gastroscopies, 1,000 ERCPs and 400 capsule endoscopies in my NHS and Private Practice.

I have been the head of department for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy for East Sussex Healthcare Trust for three years.

I am an examiner for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Accreditation Process.

Clinic Times


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Phillip Mayhead include:


Additional information

MBBS / University of London (Kings College) / 1997
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MRCP / Royal College of Physicians, London / 2004
Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians
MSc (Nutrition) / Deakin University, Victoria, Australia / 2005
Masters qualification
Professional memberships
British Society of Gastroenterology

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my partner and children. I look forward to weekends horse riding and cycling and an opportunity to get on the motorbike.

Private secretary: Katy Muir

Private secretary telephone: 01323 886505

Private secretary fax: 01323 400832

Private secretary email:


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