Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Miss Victoria Asfour

Consultant Urogynaecologist


General Medical Council Number: 6119076

Miss Asfour has extensive training and experience in Urogynaecology. She trained in London with the leading specialists in Urogynaecology. Miss Asfour completed two years of clinical training and Medical Doctorate at Imperial College London, on the use of ultrasound for the management of incontinence and prolapse. She is able to offer pelvic floor ultrasound to examine the pelvic floor. Miss Asfour offers a wide range of both conservative and surgical treatments for incontinence and prolapse.

Miss Asfour offers urodynamics, cystoscopy, cystoscopic Botox and Bulkamid treatments, autologous fascial slings as well as vaginal reconstruction for prolapse (including vaginal hysterectomy).

Miss Asfour regularly chairs workshops at international meetings on the surgical management of stress incontinence. Recently, she chaired a 4 hour workshop in IUGA Singapore in June 2024.

Miss Asfour is the Urogynaecology Lead, Perinatal Pelvic health Lead and Gynaecology research Lead in East Sussex NHS Trust.

Clinic Times

Monday All day

An initial consultation with Miss Victoria Asfour is £250

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Victoria Asfour include:


Additional information

MBChB(Hons) Batchelor of Medicine and Surgery / University of Sheffield / 2005

Professional memberships:

GMC (General Medical Council)
BMA (British Medical Association)
BSUG (British Society of Urogynaecology)
ICS (International Continence Society)
IUGA (The International Urogynaecological Association)
EUGA (European Urogynaecological Association)



Consultant Urogynaecologist at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Honourary Consultant at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust



Private secretary telephone: 01424 757437

Private secretary email:


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