Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Mr Roger Plail

Consultant Urologist


General Medical Council Number: 2353913

I have broad based urological interests, presently undertaking radical laparoscopic minimally invasive prostatectomies for East Sussex Hospitals Trust.

I have an interest in female incontinence with team approach in conjunction with physiotherapists, dietitians and gynaecologists.

I also have an interest in male erectile dysfunction in conjunction with specialist nurse service.

I regularly undertake vasectomy reversal for restoration of fertility. The process involves an initial consultation to discuss the individual history and to explain the surgical process and the likely chance of success. The procedure takes about an hour and a quarter to complete and this is best undertaken under general anaesthetic as a day case using an operating microscope. It is sensible for the individual to take a few days off afterwards for the discomfort to settle.

The outcome is varied depending on the individual and particularly the length of time since the initial vasectomy was undertaken. In general, there is a 90 – 95% chance of successfully having viable sperm production after the procedure. Pregnancy rates are more difficult to predict, but probably in the order of 50% up to a five year interval since vasectomy, and 25 to 30% ten years after vasectomy and lower rates of success for longer intervals.

Clinic Times

Tuesday, fortnightly (AM)

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Roger Plail include:


Additional information

Professional memberships
Member of speciality advisory committee for Urology

Chairman Speciality Training Commitee for South Thames Urology

Member of council of the Urology Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Consultant Urologist, Conquest Hospital, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

Private secretary: Beth

Private secretary telephone: 01424 757437

Private secretary email:

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