Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Mr Waleed Yousef

Consultant Gynaecologist and Minimal Access Surgeon

MB, Bch

General Medical Council Number: 5194609

I am a Consultant Gynaecologist and Minimal Access Surgeon with a broad experience in obstetrics and gynaecology. I am the Minimal Access Lead At East Sussex Healthcare Trust. I joined Eastbourne District General Hospital in January 2011 and also see patients at Sussex Premier Health, Hastings, East Sussex. I trained at The Royal Surrey County Hospital for two years managing patients with complex histories of chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis. I have an interest in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding using minimal access techniques. I developed the outpatient Gynae Treatment Suite at Eastbourne Hospital. I am a national trainer for outpatient operative hysteroscopy and teach in national and international courses of hysteroscopy.

A large number of my patients are treated in an outpatient setting. I am an expert in managing patients with pelvic pain, particularly those who suffer from endometriosis. I am interested in managing patients with abnormal uterine bleeding, particularly women with fibroid uterus. I am an expert in all types of hysterectomy including open and laparoscopic (total laparoscopic hysterectomy), I am interested in managing women with uterovaginal prolapse without the use of meshes. I have a special interest in managing women with menopausal symptoms. I have a wealth of experience in early detection of gynaecological cancer.

Clinic Times


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Waleed Yousef include:


Additional information

“MB Bch / Ain Shams University / 1989
Medicinae Baccalaureus Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)
MB Bch is awarded upon graduation from medical school

Professional memberships
GMC (General Medical Council)

BSGE (British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy)

BMA (British Medical Association)

MDU (Medical Defense Union)

Professional leadership
I am the Guardian of Safe Working Hours at East Sussex Healthcare Trust (Eastbourne Site)
I am the Minimal Access Lead of the Gynaecology department at East Sussex Healthcare Trust
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialty Lead 2018/2019″

Consultant Gynaecologist and Minimal Access Surgeon at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

Private secretary: Ms Mona Elshafy

Private secretary telephone: 07761 799797

Private secretary fax: 01323 409988

Private secretary email:


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