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Heart Month February 2024

Posted on: 29 January 2024 in News

Welcome to Heart Month 2024

Whether you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one due to sudden cardiac arrest or witnessed the impact of heart failure, the pain caused by heart and circulatory conditions is all too familiar.

But here’s the good news – you can make a difference. With your help, we can give more hearts a chance to beat longer and stronger. This Heart Month, let’s Go Red to raise crucial funds for lifesaving research.  To get involved, please take a look at the British Heart Foundation



One of the most important things you can do is learn how to do CPR

How to do CPR on an adult in 5 steps

Check for a response. Firmly shake the person’s shoulders and loudly ask if they’re okay.

Call 999. If the person is unconscious and not breathing, or not breathing normally, start CPR.

If there is someone with you, ask them to find a defibrillator.

Start chest compressions. With the heel of your hand in the centre of their chest, press down smoothly and firmly at a rate of 2 per second. Try pushing to the beat of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees.

Use a defibrillator as soon as you can. Follow its instructions carefully while you continue to give CPR.

How to do CPR on a child (1 to 18 years old)

Always call 999 before starting CPR.

Turn the child on their back, open their mouth and gently tilt their head back enough to open the airway. Support their neck while you do this.

Pinch their nose, seal their mouth with your mouth and breathe out firmly until their chest rises. Wait for their chest to fall before giving the next breath. At first, give 5 of these rescue breaths.

Put one hand in the centre of the child’s chest (aim for their breastbone). Push down on their chest about one third deep (about 5cm) at a rate of 2 per second. Repeat this 15 times to a steady and swift beat (try pushing to the beat of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees). Allow the chest to come back up before you push each time.

After doing 15 chest compressions, give 2 rescue breaths. Keep repeating this cycle.

Once you have a defibrillator, place the pads on the child immediately and turn it on. If someone is with you, they can do this while you continue to do CPR. Follow the defibrillator’s instructions. If you do not have a defibrillator, keep doing CPR.

Your support during Heart Month plays a crucial role in saving lives and making a significant impact on individuals affected by heart and circulatory conditions. Here’s how your contributions can make a difference:

Powering Scientific Breakthroughs:

Heart and circulatory conditions can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Despite the progress made in medical research, there is still much to discover to overcome these challenges. By Going Red and raising funds, you contribute to powering scientific breakthroughs. Your support aids in funding research projects that explore new treatments, diagnostic tools, and preventive measures. These breakthroughs bring hope to individuals waiting for answers, offering the potential for improved outcomes and quality of life.

Extending Time with Loved Ones:

Your support can provide individuals facing heart and circulatory conditions with more time to spend with the ones they love. Whether it’s through advancements in treatments, early detection methods, or lifestyle interventions, the impact of your contribution extends beyond the individual affected. Families, friends, and communities benefit from the progress made possible by your support, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Take a look at Hina’s story – an unexpected heart attack left Hina blindsided. Research gives her hope.

Learning CPR for Lifesaving Skills:

By learning CPR during Heart Month, you gain valuable lifesaving skills. CPR is a critical intervention that can make a life-or-death difference in emergency situations, such as cardiac arrest. Your knowledge of CPR can empower you to take immediate action, potentially saving the lives of your loved ones or others in your community. This skill is not just a personal benefit but also a community service that enhances overall resilience and preparedness.

Your support during Heart Month contributes to scientific progress, extends the time individuals have with their loved ones, equips you with lifesaving skills, and fosters a sense of community around a shared goal. Together, we can make a real and lasting difference in the lives of those affected by heart and circulatory conditions. Thank you for Going Red and being a part of this transformative journey.

To find out more about the Cardiology treatments and services we offer at Sussex Premier Health please take a look here

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