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Sussex Premier Health takes part in the Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023

Posted on: 29 September 2023 in News

Today at Sussex Premier Health we held our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Today at Sussex Premier Health we held our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Through a cake sale and raffle, we have managed to raise over £350, which i’m sure you’ll agree is amazing!

A huge thank you to Carr Taylor VineyardsHastings Adventure Golf and Helenswood Sports Centre who kindly donated some wonderful prizes to our fundraising morning and to everyone who got involved, whether baking, buying or selling.

A few photos today from our Macmillan Coffee morning at Sussex Premier Health:

Ways your Coffee Morning donation could help Macmillan:
  • £71 could help run our Online Community forum for over 3 hours. Typically, that would give nearly 198 people affected by cancer both emotional and practical support by providing a safe environment to share their experiences and emotions.
  • £100 could pay for a person affected by cancer to attend a health and wellbeing event, providing them with skills to improve the management of these areas in their lives.
  • £350 could pay for a Macmillan grant that helps a family affected by cancer take a holiday and enjoy precious time together. This can relieve financial pressure on a family that has been affected by cancer
  • £646 could pay for a Macmillan Support Worker for a week, helping patients, family members and carers manage the social and practical problems of living with cancer.
  • £1202 could pay for a Macmillan nurse for a week, helping people living with cancer and their families receive essential medical, practical and emotional support.

#macmillancoffeemorning #macmillancancersupport #macmillan #macmillansupport

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