Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty)

Changes the way your nose looks for clinical or cosmetic reasons

A ‘nose job’, or rhinoplasty, is a popular operation that aims to reshape your nose in several different ways.

You may want to increase or decrease its size, change its shape or modify other features – such as the shape of your nostrils – so you are more confident in the way you look.

Why us

  • Fast access to treatment when you need it
  • Internationally and nationally renowned consultants
  • Clear, inclusive pricing
Typical Hospital Stay

Same day discharge or

1 night stay

Type of anaesthetic


Covered by health insurance?


Procedure duration

Up to 3 hours

Available to self-pay?


Find a consultant at Sussex Premier Health

Mr Mark Pickford

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Your initial consultation

At Sussex Premier Health, you will have a formal consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon . During this time you will be able to explain your medical history, symptoms and raise any concerns that you might have.

We will also discuss with you whether any further diagnostic tests, such as scans or blood tests, are needed. Any additional costs will be discussed before further tests are carried out.

What to expect on the day of the procedure

On the day of your operation, our ward staff will show you to your own private room. Your private room will have an en-suite bathroom and TV and Wi-Fi facilities.

The most common operations are:

  • reducing or increasing the size of your nose
  • remodelling the shape of the tip, bridge and/or nostrils
  • changing the angle between the nose and the upper lip

It may be possible for your consultant to operate entirely through the nostrils, which is called ‘closed’ rhinoplasty. Sometimes they need to make a small cut, known as ‘open’ rhinoplasty. They will advise you on this during your consultations. Whether you go under a general or local aesthetic will depend on the shape of your nose and which operation you choose.

The procedure usually takes up to three hours and you may spend a night in hospital.


If your operation has been planned as a daycase, you will be able to go home once you have made a full recovery from the anaesthesia.

After your procedure, you will be taken to your room where you can rest and recuperate until we feel you’re ready to go home.

Once you’re ready to be discharged from hospital, you’ll need to arrange for a friend or family member to take you home as you won’t be able to drive.

For guidance on pain relief and your recovery time, please see our patient information sections below.

You will experience some pain, swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes immediately after the procedure.

We will provide you with a supply of all the medicines your consultant feels you need to take home with you after you’ve left hospital, up to 14 days. This may be at an additional cost to some patients.

Allow two weeks off of work. You should be able to do normal physical tasks after a couple of days but avoid strenuous exercise or those that may knock your nose for four to six weeks. You may also find that your nose bleeds for a few days after you get home and you might have some pain, although painkillers will help with this.

There will be bruising and swelling, particularly around your eyes, which can take about three weeks to settle. Your nose will feel numb and stiff. The numbness usually disappears within a couple of months, but the stiffness is likely to be permanent and your nose may feel unnaturally hard.

Most closed rhinoplasty operations will take around two weeks to settle but if your nose is broken (as part of a re-shaping process) there will be some bruising around the eyes for longer. Open surgery will usually take four to six weeks to heal.

Most of the improvements will be obvious after swelling has reduced but, because of the way your other facial features affect how your nose looks, some will evolve over the course of time. Your surgeon will discuss end results with you in depth.

At Sussex Premier Health, your procedure will be performed by your consultant surgeon.

People choose rhinoplasty for many reasons. For some, their nose has been damaged in some way – broken while playing a high impact sport, for example – and their breathing may be restricted.

Others have always been unhappy about the way their nose looks and this has affected their confidence. They have realised that this is a relatively straightforward procedure and have reached a point in life where they’ve decided to do something about it.

It’s important to consider exactly what it is that you don’t like about your nose while you’re in discussions with your chosen consultant. A size reduction may be all that you need but for some people, their other facial features have a big effect on the way their nose looks, so it may take some time to make a decision about which procedure is right for you. Your surgeon will take the time to discuss all the different options – pros and cons, as well as what is realistic for you – with you beforehand. Recovery time will depend on the operation you choose but will commonly vary from two to six weeks.

After you’ve left hospital, we’re still here when you need us.

Our consultants will typically want to see you after your operation to see how you are doing. An appointment will be made with you before you leave hospital.

On rare occasions, complications following surgery can occur. The chance of complications depends on the exact type of operation you are having and other factors such as your general health.

Your consultant will talk to you about the possible risks and complications of having this procedure and how they apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery you can call and speak to a member of the nursing team at any time, please call 01424 757459.

Our self-pay team will be able to give you a guide price for nose reshaping surgery.

To speak to a member of our self pay team today, call 01424 757455.

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